Sunday, May 30, 2021

Divine Protection. Do You Have It?

 Divine Protection. Do You Have It?

When I Read In The Bible, That, There Are Three Men, That Would Be Spared From The Wrath Of God, If They Live In A Nation/A City Who Has SINNED AGAINST Him ... You Better Believe, I Am Going To Do A Study On These Three Men And See How They Lived, How They Worshiped The Lord, How They Treated Their Fellow Man ... So, That, I Can Apply Their Way Of Righteous Living To My Life As Well. And, If The Wrath Of God Happens To Fall In The Place Where I Live, I Can Also Have This Super Natural Protection Over My Life As Well.

Now, Let's Read About These Three Outstanding Men, That, God Has Set His Super Natural Protection Over ...

The Book Of Ezekiel Says: "The Word Of The Lord Came To Me: “Son Of Man, If A Country Sins Against Me By Being Unfaithful And I Stretch Out My Hand Against It To Cut Off Its Food Supply And Send Famine Upon It And Kill Its People And Their Animals, (Watch This... Don't Miss It!-->) EVEN IF THESE THREE MEN —NOAH, DANIEL AND JOB —WERE IN IT, THEY COULD SAVE ONLY THEMSELVES BY THEIR RIGHTEOUSNESS, DECLARES THE SOVEREIGN LORD."~(See Ezekiel 14:12‭-‬14)~Amen! 

NOTE: As God Told Ezekiel, That He Would Spare Noah, Daniel And Job (If These Three Men Were In A City/A Town That God Decreed A Judgment For It...) So, Will God Also Spare Us From Devastating Calamities... If, And ONLY If, We Are Living Righteously.~(See Proverbs 2:8, Proverbs 11:8, Proverbs 12:21)~Amen!

God Will ALWAYS Be Faithful To His Word. What He Says, He Really Means.~(See Matthew 24:35, Numbers 23:19,  Hebrews 6:18)~Amen!

Let's Examine Noah's Life ... "Noah Was A Righteous (Morally Right Or Justifiable; Virtuous) Man, Blameless (Innocent Of Wrongdoing) Among The People Of His Time, (Watch This... Don't Miss It!-->) AND HE WALKED FAITHFULLY WITH GOD."~(See Genesis 6:9)~Amen

Now, Let's See The Testimony God Gives About Job ... "Then The Lord Said To Satan, “Have You Considered My Servant Job? There Is NO ONE ON EARTH Like Him; (Watch This ... Don't Miss It!-->) HE IS BLAMELESS AND UPRIGHT, A MAN WHO FEARS GOD AND SHUNS EVIL.”~(See Job 1:8)~Amen

And Lastly, Let's Continue To Daniel And See What The Bible Tells Us About Him, And How He Worshiped The Lord. The Bible Says, That, Daniel; "... Three Times A Day He Got Down On His Knees And Prayed, Giving Thanks To His God, ..."~(See Daniel 6:10)~Amen!

Note: Daniel Didn't Just Pray Or Worship The Lord On Sundays...He Prayed And Worshiped The Lord Everyday ... Three Times A Day. What A Great Commitment And Devotion Daniel Had In His Prayer Life, Something We Can All Learn To Do As Well.

Daniel's Work Ethics, How Strong Was It? Daniel Was An Expecional And Trustworthy Employee As Well... In Government Affairs, There Was NO CORRUPTION In Him, Because He Was Trustworthy And Neither Corrupt Nor Negligent (Daniel Did Not Cut Any Corners At His Job), He Was An Honest And An Outstanding Employee). See Daniel 6:4

Let's Look At Daniel Ch.6:

I Want To Give You One More Account On How Daniel's Righteous (Lifestyle) Had Saved Him From Getting Eaten By The Lions. Daniel (Himself) Tells The King, That, The Lions Didn't Hurt Him, Because He Was Found Innocent Of Any Wrong Doings In The Sight Of God. This Is What Daniel Says; "My God Sent His Angel, And He Shut The Mouths Of The Lions. They Have Not Hurt Me, (Watch This ... Don't Miss It!-->) BECAUSE I WAS FOUND INNOCENT IN HIS (GOD'S) SIGHT. NOR HAVE I EVER DONE ANY WRONG BEFORE YOU, Your Majesty.”~(See Daniel 6:22)~Amen!

Note: What Does Noah, Daniel And Job Have In Common? Answer: They All Lived Blameless And Righteous Lives, They Were Good And Upright In The Their Relationships With People, Doing Right By Them, And, They Were Also Very Loyal And Devoted Followers Of The Word Of God. Living And Doing What Was Right In God's Sight.

In Conclusion: Looking At Everything That Is Happening In Our World Today, We Can Clearly See, That, We Are (Definitely) Living In The Endtimes. The Birth Pains Will Continue To Increase Worldwide (See Matthew Ch. 24). Everything That The Bible Has Said (About The Endtimes) Will Happen Exactly How God Said, It Will (Matthew 24:35). So, If We Want To Have God's Divine Protection Over Our Lives, (While We Are Waiting For Our Lord And Savior Jesus Christ Return (See Titus 2:11-14, 2 Peter 3:10-14), In These Troubling Times... Let Us Imitate (Daily) The Way These Three Outstanding Men Lived Their Lives. Our God Is No Respecter Of Persons. If He Will Do It For Them, He Will Do It For Us Too.~(Acts 10:34)~Amen! Obey The Lord, Live According To His Commands (John 14:15, 21, 23-24, Luke 6:46). Live Right. Do Right (See Matthew 7:12). God Is NOT A Man, That He Should Lie, ..." (Numbers 23:19). God Will Keep You Safe From Calamities, If You Are Living Righteously. This Is What The Word Of The Lord Says, "The Righteous Person Is RESCUED From TROUBLE, ..."~(Proverbs 11:8, Ezekiel 14:12-14)~Amen! 

God Bless You All,
Your Sister In Christ,
Vicky Rivera

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