Sunday, September 16, 2012


                                       WHO'S WORD ARE YOU GOING TO ACCEPT?
The Bible Says:
"If we "DELIBERATELY" keep on "SINNING AFTER" we have "RECEIVED" the knowledge "OF THE TRUTH", "NO SACRIFICE" for "SINS" is LEFT, (Watch This... Don't Miss It!) BUT only a "FEARFUL" expectation of "JUDGMENT" and of "RAGING FIRE" that "WILL" consume the enemies of God."~Hebrews 10:26-27~ (Read Also Verses 28-31)

Note: If You Think To Yourself... Well, I Got Baptized, I Accepted/Believe In Jesus... He (GOD) Will Still Let Me Into His Heaven... Even, If I am Living A Sinful Lifestyle! You Say, "I've Heard Someone Say Once... "That You Can Never Lose Your Salvation” “That Once You're Saved, You're Always Saved". Who's Word Are You Going Accept/Take?? Who Are You Going To Believe?? The "Holy Spirit" Says, in "The Book Of Hebrews" Ch.10, "NO ONE" Who Is "DELIBERATELY (Willfully, Purposefully) SINNING" Is Going To Heaven!! The Only Thing We Can Expect From This Kind Of Daily Living Is A "RAGING FIRE" that "WILL" consume the enemies of God.” The Apostle John Says: Whoever claims to “LIVE” in Him “MUST walk as Jesus DID.”~(1 John 2:6) The Commandment From Jesus Is This....

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