Wednesday, September 5, 2012


                                      WHAT ARE YOU THINKING ABOUT?

How you see yourself and the thoughts that you daily think/ mediate on... Will always affect your outward attitude towards God and people. Paul tells us to take captive all our thoughts and this how Paul tells us "...And we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."~(2 Corinthians 10:5)

The Bible says, these are the things we're supposed to think/ mediate on....."Finally, brothers, "WHATEVER" is "True", "WHATEVER" is "Noble", "WHATEVER" is "Right", "WHATEVER" is "Pure", "WHATEVER" is "Lovely", "WHATEVER" is "Admirable"--if ANYTHING is "Excellent" or Praiseworthy--"THINK ABOUT SUCH THINGS."~ (Philippians 4:8)

Note: It is very "IMPORTANT" for us to "ALWAYS" stay daily mediatating on the word of God. It is then, when "OUR MINDS" and "OUR WILLS" will change to the will of God "The Father".... ""DO NOT" conform any longer to the pattern of this world, BUT be "TRANSFORMED" by the "RENEWING" of your "MIND". THEN you will be able to test AND approve what God's "WILL IS"--HIS good, pleasing and perfect "WILL."~(Romans 12:2)

People say, "That "PRACTICE" Makes Perfect"... Then the more we train our minds, our wills and our bodies to do the will of God the Father; the better we will get at living "The Christ Like Life".  In this way of daily living, we would be carrying out "Our Lord" Jesus wishes... "Jesus replied, "If "ANYONE" "LOVES ME", he "WILL" obey my teaching. My Father "WILL" love him, and "WE WILL" come to him AND make "OUR HOME" with him. (WATCH THIS... DON'T MISS IT!) He who "DOES NOT" love me "WILL NOT" obey "MY TEACHING". These words you hear are not my own; THEY belong to the Father who sent me."~(John 14:23-24)

If we are thinking negative thoughts all day long... Our attitudes will be negative towards everyone else also! We won't be displaying the love of God thinking this way. By our conduct, our way of living, is how we show people that Christ lives in us. Is "NOT" what we say that makes the most difference... It is our conduct that does! Remember, "ACTIONS" will always speak louder than our words. "But wisdom is "PROVED" right by her "ACTIONS."~(Matthew 11:19)

The Bible says, "For as he thinks in his heart, so [IS] he."~(Proverbs 23:7)~NKJV  According to the Bible, the things that we think about is "WHO WE ARE."... What we "WILL" act out on. So we have to make it a daily practice to be "DOERS" of God's word and in this way of living, everyone will see the "LIVING" Christ in us. "What Are You Thinking About?"

"WHATEVER" happens, "CONDUCT" yourselves in a manner "WORTHY" of the gospel of Christ."~(Philippians 1:27)~NIV


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