Thursday, July 26, 2012


                                        IS TROUBLE KNOCKING AT YOUR DOOR?

Don't ever let your problems turn you away from God. We should never let our bad circumstances, cause us to forget "ALL" the wonderful promises that the Lord has given to us through His "Holy Word." Jesus tells us this..."In this world you will have trouble." BUT He also tells us to be of "GOOD CHEER". Because He has conquered (Overcome) the world"!~(John 16:33) Amen. Jesus gave us the heads up about this a long time ago. So that when trouble came knocking at our door... We would remember that He told us that these things would happen to us and "NOT" give into "FEAR". Because Jesus has "OVERCOME" the world." Hallelujah! Glory to our KING!

My friends, God is in TOTAL control. So we have NOTHING to worry about. We just need to keep praying, believing, obeying and trusting in Him. God will "NEVER" disappoint anyone who puts his/her trust in HIM, NEVER! "THEY cried to you and were saved; in you THEY trusted and "WERE NOT" disappointed."~(Psalm 22:5)~Amen!

The Bible says:

"So "DO NOT FEAR", for I AM (GOD) with you; "DO NOT" be dismayed, for I AM your GOD. I WILL strengthen you and HELP you; I WILL uphold you with my righteous right hand.~(Isaiah 41:10)

"For I am the LORD, your God, who TAKES hold of your right hand and SAYS to YOU, DO NOT FEAR; I WILL HELP YOU."~(Isaiah 41:13)

Note: Remember "ALWAYS" God is NOT a man, that HE should lie... If He said it in HIS word, HE will DO it! NO question about it! (Numbers 23:19, 1 Samuel 15:29, Titus 1:2) But we have to learn to trust and believe in Him, first.

Don't focus on your problems. Don't spend all day dwelling/thinking about them. The Bible tells us to give all our cares/anxiety to Jesus... Cast "ALL" your anxiety on Him because He CARES for you."~(1 Peter 5:7, Philippians 4:6) Don't run away from the only "ONE" that can "HELP" you...GO to Him First! SEEK God's Kingdom and His Righteousness daily... "BUT seek FIRST His kingdom and His righteousness, and "ALL" these things WILL be GIVEN to you as well."~(Matthew 6:33) PUT God first and watch HIM blow your mind each and every time!

"SO then, "BANISH" anxiety from your heart and "CAST OFF" the troubles of your body..." (Ecclesiastes 11:10)


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